Full Moon Ritual: Return to the Centre with Chinese Acupuncture and Sound Journey


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Return to the Centre
Chinese Acupuncture & Sound Journey
Thursday, 17th of October, 20:00-21:30,
Amsterdam De Baarsjes

A sound bath and acupuncture experience to bring you Home
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the energy of the seasons follows a set pattern through the Five Elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. These are the elements that make up the 10,000 things of this world.
Universal energy flows through a particular element for two months of a season before returning to the Earth at the Centre for a month.
This time in the Earth element is a period of integration. Reflection. Restoration, before the energy journeys back out and into the element of the next season.
We invite you to join us in a sound bath and acupuncture journey on 17 October to honour the return to Earth and the Centre after the Metal season of letting go and cutting away what no longer serves
To help you walk home to the centre of the seasonal wheel, two tiny needles will be applied to two “earth” acupuncture points – one on your foot and another on your leg.
We will also be using a specific earth-rhythm on a drum to help you journey home.

Combining the sound bath and tiny needles with focus and clear intention can help you journey back to your Centre to see how and where you need to restore before the world turns again and we venture out into the element of Water.
If you are pregnant or nervous about needles or acupuncture please let Sandra know when you arrive.

Acupuncture is a holistic treatment that adjusts and balances the body to improve
circulation, organ function and general health. It is used to treat a wide variety of
conditions from stress, headaches and fatigue to digestive issues, stiff shoulders and
torn muscles. To do this, tiny needles are inserted at specific points on the body.
These acupuncture points lie on channels that were first mapped out in China over 2,000 years ago and whose relevance is being confirmed today through
electromagnetic imaging. Acupuncture can be used to treat specific complaints, to
boost energy and well-being, and to encourage relaxation and sleep.
Every acupuncture points has a function and while you will not receive a full “acupuncture treatment” during the session, active points will be used to help direct your focus and energy.

Sound healing and Sound baths can enable and guide us into a deep trance moment of being. Much akin to lucid dreaming, it is a very present state a right here and now, moving between being firmly grounded yet travelling through the ether like substance of our subconscious. We ourselves as well as everything around us, is at its core in constant vibration.
Sound healing, wave by wave brings us closer to that state of calmness and feeling of completeness that every human longs for in their journey of life. One of the big advantages of the session is unlocking a creativity.
Agata treats sound sessions as sound ceremonies. To her it’s about a unique experience where you are guided by the sound, their vibrations and frequencies. She combines her range of instruments with my voice through singing and chanting.
During this session, together with intuitive singing, instruments such as quartz crystal singing bowls, chimes, drums and gong will be played around the body. Vocal exercises will show you the healing power of your own voice.
A unique drum rhythm, used especially for this session, will guide you into a transformative shamanic journey.


Benefits of Sound Therapy:

  • Calms the nervous system,
  • Activates self healing within the body,
  • Reduces stress,
  • Promotes a deeper sleep,
  • Breaks down emotional and physical blockages,
  • Provides a deep state of relaxation,
  • Unlocks creativity,
  • Boosts immunity,
  • Reduces pain (endorphins release),
  • Relieves or lessens anxiety and depression.
  • This workshop is for everyone, no meditation experience necessary.


  • If you are pregnant, please inform us before the event
  • If you are nervous about the needles or new to acupuncture and not feeling comfortable about it send us a message or approach Sandra before the session
  • The venue: The Breathing SpaceVan Kinsbergenstraat 50 , Amsterdam, NH, 1057 PS
  • Tickets: regular price €‎60 Early Birds until 30th of September €‎55
  • Places are limited
  • The organizer reserves the right to cancel the event at any time with a full refund
  • Cancellation policy: read more about it here
About Agata:
Agata is a Sound therapist, Medicine Woman, Ayurvedic massage therapist & Ayurvedic therapist. She is a founder of Agata Wholistic Touch. She was in a 3,5 year training under 2 shamans who help her to expand working with a music as a medicine. She works with voice, body & sound, offering reconnecting with your voice workshops, sound bath sessions and ceremonies (cacao, sacred tobacco rapé and magic truffles) to the groups, 1-1 and companies. “In my soul I have always been a musician and an artist. Music has been in my life ever since I remember. This is my second skin that I breathe and dream. It is my personal language and my medicine. Thanks to my shaman teachers from Portugal I have learned over these years how to guide others and help them to connect to their inner selves through music.”
Learn more and connect with Agata on Instagram @agata.wholistic.touch or at www.agata-wholistic-touch.com . Find her on streaming platforms (Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Tidel, Google play, Amazon, Juno). Listen to her Wholistic Touch Podcast available on majority of streaming platforms

Sandra Guy is an acupuncturist with a private practice in Amsterdam,  who has been working with Chinese medicine for over 20 years. Sandra grew up in Hong Kong and studied Daoist Self-Cultivation and Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Netherlands choosing to specialize in acupuncture. She graduated from Shenzhou Open University for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Cum Laude. Since then she has continued to study different specializations of Japanese acupuncture. She has witnessed extraordinary healing when the body is allowed to reset through the repeated states of deep relaxation and rebalancing that acupuncture can create. She is excited to help you harmonise with the seasonal journey back to the Centre in this joining together of sound healing and acupuncture. Learn more and connect with Sandra through her website www.heavenlystaracupuncture.com