Testimonial sound bath #8

“I am very grateful to Agata. My headache was gone after her session. It was a perfect combination with the ayurvedic detox I have been going through at that time.”

Testimonial sound bath #7

“It was fantastic! I don’t know if it’s good or bad but I’ve got so relaxed that I almost fell asleep. It was like balancing on the edge because I could hear the sounds but my brain was cut off.”

Testimonial sound bath #6

“Chakra singing workshops touched me very deeply. I felt that singing together with Agata’s voice is reaching my deep layers. Great importance is Agata’s voice, her intentions and the way she runs the workshop and the way she plays the instruments. However in my opinion it’s Agata’s voice that has the greatest power. It’s so clear intention-wise and powerful at the same time.”

Testimonial sound bath #5

“Sound bath session was just the right thing I needed that day. I was all day running and by the end of it I was just dreaming of getting back home. What a relax, it was amazing. I don’t feel sleepy but rather light and clear in my head.”

Testimonial sound bath #1

“I am so grateful to Agata. During her sound healing session I was escorted to the brain spa. She massaged my vibrating elements. Thank you very much!”

Testimonial massage #16

“I went to Agata for an Ayurvedic massage and she made it such a lovely and relaxing experience. Her work space was beautiful and peaceful and made me feel instantly relaxed. She took a lot of care in the massage, making sure I felt very comfortable, and used her intuition to make this a very nice experience. Thank you Agata!”

Testimonial massage #15

“I have had the pleasure to experience a 1 hour full body massage with Agata. The appointment was extremely relaxing and professional. Even though for that type of massage I had to be just with my underwear Agata made me feel comfortable and relaxed. Hot oil, music and amazing hands made me feel like I have never felt before. That unforgettable experience had only one downside…. it wasn’t long enough 😉

I would recommend Agata Wholistic Touch to everyone who needs to get good massage for body and soul. Thank you Agata”