Unlock Your Heart’s Potential. Online Cacao Ceremony

Embark on an enriching online journey of cacao and heart alchemy.

Engage in 60 minutes of shared experience as we sip ceremonial cacao* and immerse ourselves in a guided meditation aimed at centering our beings.

There’s profound power in starting your day by grounding yourself in your heart, setting the tone for the rest of the day.

Please be advised that participants will be asked to refrain from eating (water is permitted) for at least 1 hour before consuming cacao ensuring you’re ready to absorb its therapeutic benefits

Secure your place and acquire your own ceremonial grade cacao for €18

Reserve your spot and enjoy a delivered serving of ceremonial cacao (30g) and 1 piece of Microdosing Magic Chocolate for the session (booking required by June 3rd for NL delivery at €25)


List of contradictions for ceremonial cacao (unless consulted with your doctor)

  • Antidepressants intake (Cacao contains MAO inhibitors),
  • Serious heart condition,
  • High blood pressure
  • Epilepsy
  • The organizer reserves the right to cancel the event at any time with a full refund
  • Cancellation policy: read more about it here

Agata is a Sound therapist, Medicine Woman, Ayurvedic massage therapist & Ayurvedic therapist. She is a founder of Agata Wholistic Touch. She was in a 3,5 year training under 2 shamans who help her to expand working with a music as a medicine. She works with voice, body & sound, offering reconnecting with your voice workshops, sound bath sessions and ceremonies (cacao, sacred tobacco rapé and magic truffles) to the groups, 1-1 and companies. “In my soul I have always been a musician and an artist. Music has been in my life ever since I remember. This is my second skin that I breathe and dream. It is my personal language and my medicine. Thanks to my shaman teachers from Portugal I have learned over these years how to guide others and help them to connect to their inner selves through music.”

Learn more and connect with Agata on Instagram @agata.wholistic.touch or at www.agata-wholistic-touch.com .

Find her on streaming platforms (Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Tidel, Google play, Amazon, Juno).

Listen to her Wholistic Touch Podcast available on majority of streaming platforms