
Microdosing Evening with Sound Journey for Entrepreneurs, Wednesday, 26th June, Amsterdam West

Original price was: € 75,00.Current price is: € 70,00.

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Microdosing Evening with Sound Journey
Wednesday, 26th June,
Amsterdam West

Join us for an innovative workshop on microdosing for entrepreneurs, exploring how small, controlled doses of psychedelics can enhance creativity, productivity, and overall well-being in the business world

Are you an entrepreneur—someone who starts, develops and manages business ventures, taking financial risks in the hope of profit while driving innovation and economic growth? If you’re focused on enhancing visibility, attracting more customers, and boosting income, this session offers a fresh perspective and sparks new ideas.
Microdosing with magic truffles helps to open the mind. This is the practice of consuming very low, sub-hallucinogenic doses of a psychedelic substance.
For centuries, sacred truffles and mushrooms have played a vital role in shamanic rituals around the world. In the Western world, their profound benefits have been recognized for several decades. These truffles and mushrooms can offer significant relief to individuals struggling with fear, stress, burnout, sadness, negative self-image, addiction, and depression. Psilocybin, the active compound, provides deep personal and life insights, uncovering hidden blockages and guiding personal growth. Microdosing, the practice of consuming very low, sub-hallucinogenic doses of a psychedelic substance, can enhance concentration, alleviate anxiety, and improve overall well-being. In this session, we will connect with our intentions and listen to our hearts and minds. Through the medicine of sound, I will guide you on this transformative journey.

In this session all voices are welcome. Come as you are. This is a beautiful exploration to meet your higher self and open your heart, allowing you to deeply connect with your true essence and those around you. A microdose of magic truffles can help expand your mind and perception.
In the second part of the session, we will gather in a circle to discuss what are the most common challenges we are facing as entrepreneurs.
This way we can get together as a community to support each other also on the business side.


  • warm and comfortable clothes
  • water bottle
  • notebook & pen
  • yoga mat
  • blanket

List of contradictions for microdosing (unless consulted with your doctor)
  • Pregnancy
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Psychosis susceptibility syndrome (or history of psychosis)
  • Severe blood pressure/heart complaints
  • The ticket price contains entrance for the session plus 1 serving of microdosing truffles.
  • Please be advised:
    • you don’t need to consume the truffles during the session. This is your decision only and totally up to you
    • participants will be asked to refrain from eating (water is permitted) for at least 2 hours before consuming magic chocolates, ensuring you’re ready to absorb its therapeutic benefits
  • Microdosing rarely causes side effects. But if you still feel somewhat overwhelmed even after following the recommended dosage guidelines, take a break. Sit down, relax and breathe regularly – the effects will gradually diminish.
  • The venue address: Space For Change, Jacob van Lennepkade 340H, Amsterdam
  • Tickets: regular price €70 Early Birds only for Swell members until 9th of June (or until spots are filled), after €‎75
  • Places are limited
  • The organizer reserves the right to cancel the event at any time with a full refund
  • Cancellation policy: read more about it here 

About Agata:
Agata is a Sound therapist, Medicine Woman, Ayurvedic massage therapist & Ayurvedic therapist. She is a founder of Agata Wholistic Touch. She was in a 3,5 year training under 2 shamans who help her to expand working with a music as a medicine. She works with voice, body & sound, offering reconnecting with your voice workshops, sound bath sessions and ceremonies (cacao, sacred tobacco rapé and magic truffles) to the groups, 1-1 and companies. “In my soul I have always been a musician and an artist. Music has been in my life ever since I remember. This is my second skin that I breathe and dream. It is my personal language and my medicine. Thanks to my shaman teachers from Portugal I have learned over these years how to guide others and help them to connect to their inner selves through music.”
Learn more and connect with Agata on Instagram @agata.wholistic.touch or at . Find her on streaming platforms (Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Tidel, Google play, Amazon, Juno). Listen to her Wholistic Touch Podcast available on majority of streaming platforms
About Swell
Swell connects health & wellness entrepreneurs who are looking for other, like-minded people they can count on while they grow their businesses. We create opportunities to meet both online and offline to enable entrepreneurs of all stages to make the connections and get the resources they need to bring their passion to life.

Cancellation policy: read more about it here By purchasing the ticket you are agreeing to these conditions.

1. I have never tried microdosing (nor full dosage). I am concerned how this journey will affect me. Feeling of some anxiety or concerns before any type of first-time experience is normal. Almost every participant who have never tried microdosing before feels that way. Everyone is different therefore each experience is always unique. We can’t predict how you will experience this ceremony. But I will be there through the whole time to guide you through.
2. Will I experience hallucinations or any type of “tripping”? No. This is not microdosing purpose. The truffles selected for microdosing are focusing on mind expansion, not visuals. On top of that the amount you will consume is 1/10th – 1/15th of the regular, full ceremonial dosage. What you might experience is a feeling of diving deeper into your mind.
3. Will I be able to bike/drive after the ceremony? Yes. You will be fully able to function on a regular base and perform your daily tasks.
4. I am in a psychotherapy. Is it ok for me to participate? In case of any doubts I always advise to check with your therapist/doctor first.
5. I would like to try but I have lots of doubts. No problem. We can schedule a discovery phone where during 10 min conversation I will be able to answer all your questions and hopefully help to make the decision that feels good for you. Just send me an e-mail with your contact details (including phone number) to or through the contact form below.